Unlock & Ignite Your Power: Transformative Programs for Unstoppable Women

Catalyst Mentorship Programs

If you’re looking for someone to deliver the usual corporate rhetoric, I’m not your person. But if you’re ready for real, lasting transformation, you’ve come to the right place. As a catalyst mentor, I don’t just coach; I ignite change. My programs are designed to help high-achieving women break free from limitations and step boldly into their true potential.

Why Catalyst Mentorship?

Unlike traditional coaching, where the focus is often on surface-level changes, catalyst mentorship goes deeper. I work with you to uncover the root causes of what’s holding you back and then guide you through the transformative process of breaking free. This isn’t about quick fixes or temporary solutions—this is about creating profound, lasting change.


Catalyst Workshops

Interactive and Impactful

Whether in-person or online, my workshops are designed for high-achieving women who are ready to dive deep, challenge themselves, and emerge with a renewed sense of purpose and power. Whether you’re tackling imposter syndrome, shedding Nice Girl Training (NGT), or honing your leadership skills, these workshops provide the tools and insights you need to thrive.

Workshop Rotation:

  • Lead with Your Power Voice
  • The Confidence Code
  • Nice Girl No More
Current Available Workshop:

Lead with Your Power Voice

September 28, 2024 (location 10 min from RDU airport)


Catalyst Mastermind

Collective Wisdom, Individual Growth

Join a group of like-minded women who are all on the journey to greatness. My mastermind groups provide a supportive environment where you can share challenges, gain insights, and receive guidance not just from me, but from the collective wisdom of the group. Together, we’ll push each other to new heights.

Apply for Guest Pass to Mastermind

VIP Days

Catalyst VIP Days

Personalized and Intense

For those who are ready to go all in, my VIP Days offer a one-on-one, fully customized experience. We’ll spend the day diving deep into your specific challenges and goals, crafting a personalized strategy that will propel you forward with clarity and confidence. This is an intense, focused day of transformation.

Schedule Your VIP Day

The Medusa Chronicles

This isn’t just a show—it’s an experience. The Medusa Chronicles is my one-woman play that delves into the journey of harnessing feminine power and breaking free from societal constraints. It’s raw, real, and incredibly empowering. Get on the list to get notified about when The Medusa Chronicles premieres!

The Medusa Chronicles

A Journey of Power and Transformation


Catalyst Retreats

Immersive and Transformative

Step away from the daily grind and into an environment where real transformation happens. My retreats are carefully curated to provide a space where you can reconnect with yourself, redefine your goals, and reignite your passion for leadership. This is where breakthroughs are made and lifelong changes begin.

Retreat Coming in 2025:
The Nice Girl Rebels Retreat

What they say…

“Deidre is creative and extremely generous in sharing her knowledge. Her expertise gets results for her clients. I have recommended her firm to several of my friends and they have all had the positive experience that I have.” Betsey Upchurch Principal, P4 Consulting
“Deidre is a top professional, coach, and executive marketer. I look to her for innovative ideas and practical strategies.” John O’Connor President, CareerPro

“Thank you for being you! Thank you for kicking into the powerful Breakthrough Coach mode. I so appreciate you! Thank you for all of your help, support and the love you sent through the phone today! I can’t wait to share you will all the people who will love you as much as I do. Love you!”

Gwen Orwiler
CEO, Your Strongest Life

“Deidre has the ability to offer the level of learning that a beginner or even a more advanced business owner would benefit from. A clear expert!” Jodi Hinkle Chief Business Strategist, HerQuest
“Deidre is the Go-To-Person! Why? Simply, if you are a coach and looking to finally put your greatness out there through the most powerful tool existing aka Video content, but you are terrified to get in front of the camera and the idea of coming up with content that catches your audience’s attention is driving you crazy – Deidre has your back! Her ability to build you the confidence you need to step up and show up, equips you with a plan of action that eliminates all that overwhelm of figuring it out on your own and provides you with a pathway to finally turn visitors into customers is priceless. I definitely recommend Deidre and her human-to-human approach to help you level up your Video Creation Skills.” Tamara Perez Cash-Flow Marketing
“DOUBLED direct contact from prospects. I only wish I had made the decision sooner.” Wendy Barnes CEO, Wendy Barnes Design

Start Your Transformation Today

Are you ready to break free from societal expectations and embrace your true self? Join me, Deidre Beacham, in a journey towards authenticity and visibility. Take the first step towards a more empowered you. Click below to connect and start your transformation.