About Deidre Beacham

My Mission

To empower women to break free from societal molds, discover their true selves, and unlock their full potential. I believe that every woman holds an unshakable power within her, waiting to be unleashed.

Core Beliefs

There are 2 questions that weigh on my mind as I’m considering a mentor… even before their qualifications.

  • Who are you really?
  • Can I be safe with you?

So, to help answer those 2 questions for you, here are 11 things I stand for and believe (click on the button for more):

Recognize Our Shared Humanity

It’s 2024, and the impact of division—fueled by greed, rigid religious values, and patriarchal structures—is more apparent than ever. We’re reminded daily of the deep rifts that have formed in society. Yet, beneath these divisions lies a fundamental truth: we are all human. At our core, we share more similarities than differences. It’s time to return to that understanding, recognizing our shared humanity as the foundation of all we do.

Equity for All

Our society’s foundation on competition and conquest has not only driven us apart from each other but also stifled our collective creative spirit. It’s time to rethink this framework, shifting towards systems that promote equity and community building. When we remove barriers that pit us against one another, we unlock the potential for innovation and collaboration that benefits everyone. Our goal should be a community where every individual has the opportunity to thrive without prejudice, and where our creative energies are nurtured, not suppressed.

Love Who You Love with All Your Heart.

Countless hours are lost, pain endured, and trauma internalized by those who deviate from hetero-normative expectations. Society’s “norms” should not dictate the boundaries of love. When you find your “person,” embrace them wholly. Love is a celebration of connection, not conformity. Here, we advocate for the freedom to love passionately and without reservation, supporting everyone’s right to choose whom they love.

Nice Girl Training Hurts EVERYONE

Nice Girl Training doesn’t just silence women—it upholds oppressive systems like white supremacy. By teaching women to be compliant and conflict-averse, NGT reinforces structures that demand conformity over truth. This burden is especially heavy on women of color, who navigate both racial and gendered expectations. When women are trained to conform, it stifles creativity, weakens leadership, and perpetuates inequality. Breaking free from NGT is an act of defiance against these systems, paving the way for a more just and dynamic world where everyone can thrive.


Hands Off My Body... Unless I Say So.

Autonomy over one’s own body is a fundamental right. Decisions about my body should be made by me, informed by the compassionate insights of my partner and my healthcare providers. Yes, this includes unequivocal support for abortion rights and gender-affirming care. These are not areas for political interference but personal choice and medical guidance.

Universal Healthcare Needs to Be a Right

Health and access to adequate healthcare should be a non-negotiable right, not a privilege that drives citizens to financial ruin at their most vulnerable. It’s astounding that the United States stands alone among 1st world, industrialized nations without universal healthcare. This isn’t merely a policy debate—it’s a fundamental human right.

Our Public Education System Needs a Reboot.

The traditional model of education, designed for an industrial age, is fundamentally out of sync with today’s world. We’ve been conditioning children to comply and conform—sit in rows, follow the bell—when what we truly need is to cultivate their potential as creative thinkers. And book bans? SMDH, that needs another box.

Stop Banning Books

It’s absolutefuckinglutely horrifying to me that books are being banned in schools. What happened to the principle that “Reading is Fundamental”? The erasure of books from schools, the disappearance of initiatives like the reading bus, all point to a crisis in our approach to education. This isn’t just about books; it’s about what they represent—the freedom to explore ideas, to challenge, to grow. Banning books is a direct attack on intellectual freedom, personal freedom, and is a tool of White Supremacy. Where did common sense go? We need to take a hard look and demand better, not just for our children but for the future of our society.

Meditation is Always Part of the Answer... What Was Your Question?

Have anxiety? Meditate. Feeling stressed? Meditate. Feeling sad? Meditate. Your mind racing? Meditate. Money issues? Meditate. Not sure what do do next? Meditate. Meditation doesn’t need to be a formal event, but it absolutely will… it WILL change your life because it WORKS. It’s science. And yes, science is real… I’m not doing a box for that one, if you’re this far in, you understand that the Earth is not flat. Whew.

Alignment is Consistency's Sister.

If you’re not aligned with your plan, you won’t be consistent. If you’re not consistent, you’re going to find it hard to stay aligned with your vision. Alignment and Consistency aren’t just sisters, they’re twins… SUPER TWINS.

Black Lives Matter - duh

Oh the insipid hatefulness of colonized thinking! At my age, I’m still learning every single day how to decolonize my mind and understand how to be an active anti-racist. Until the BIPOC population is treated equally, WE ARE ALL IN DANGER of being treated unfairly.

My Books

Don’t Let Trauma Be the End

In I Am Bound and Determined, Deidre Hughey takes the reader on a roller coaster ride through childhood dreams, dark traumas, struggles to survive and onward to personal resilience and courage with incredible life changing victories! You will laugh, cry, wince and ultimately cheer for each woman and what she is able to achieve. It is like no other book! While reading it, you will come to understand that anything is possible in your own life. 

Set the Goal

Ever find yourself going after a goal, and then, after a couple of weeks or even as little as a couple of days you give up? Negative thoughts race through your mind: “I failed again” and “should I even try anymore?”


Get ready to look at goal setting in a whole new way. 

Meet Deidre – The Visibility Catalyst


Hi, I’m Deidre Beacham, and my life has been a journey of breaking free from Nice Girl Training (NGT). For years, I molded myself to fit others’ expectations, only to realize that this path was suffocating my true self. In my late 40s, I made a bold move: I came out, divorced, married my soul’s true partner, and stepped into a life that felt fully mine. But that newfound freedom wasn’t without its challenges as a fresh wave of criticism tested my resolve.

The tipping point came just before menopause, when my anxiety hit an all-time high. Refusing to let it define me, I embarked on a 27-month experiment that transformed my life. I unearthed a power I didn’t know I had, healed deep-seated childhood trauma through somatics, Cognitive Behavioral Techniques, embraced my neurodiversity (thanks, Dr. TikTok), and finally shattered the shackles of NGT by becoming unapologetically myself.

Now, I’m on a mission to help high-achieving women break free from the same conditioning. With real talk, practical strategies, and transformative workshops, I guide women to silence their inner critic, shed the masks they’ve been conditioned to wear, and step boldly into their Power Voice—ready to unleash their inner badass.

Values and Philosophy

  • Authenticity: Championing your true self in all spaces.
  • Empowerment: Helping women recognize and wield their inner power.
  • Transformation: Facilitating profound personal and professional growth.
  • Community: Fostering connections that uplift and support shared growth.

Ready to unleash your power? Let’s talk about what methodology of change makes the most sense for you… slow and steady or ripping the mask off to your potential.

Ready to ignite your audience? Let’s connect and explore how I can electrify your next women’s conference or event with the inspiration and motivation your attendees deserve.