October 17, 2019

What do you listen to? I don’t know about you, but I know that I can’t help but listen to the loudest voice…

The loudest voice in the room…

The loudest voice in my day…

The loudest voice in my life…

The loudest voice…

is myself.

When everything’s quiet around you, what are you saying to yourself?

What about when you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror?

What about when you watch a recording of yourself?

Who do you say you are?

You are what you LISTEN to.

It’s funny because if you’re in the car and something comes on that you don’t like, you change the station. It’s automatic. You want to listen to something you want to hear so you can enjoy it.

Do you like the things that you are hearing about yourself from your own voice? If not, what if you could change the station in your head? How would your life change?

You are WHAT you listen to.

Fortunately, you are NOT a slave to your thoughts! You can change the station in your head.


Awareness is the key. You have to pay attention to what you’re saying to yourself. Slow down…listen. And if you’re not hearing what you want to hear, change it with a positive statement.

Another way to look at it is to think of your head as the mother to your inner child. If you looked at yourself as a child, would you beat the child for making a mistake? Would you tell the child that she/he is too fat, too clumsy, too awkward, too imperfect, too much, too unlovable, too…anything?


You would look at the child with adoring eyes. You would chuckle when the child is being her/his unique self. You would love to look at your child and encourage her/him every single time the child tries something new…success making no difference in your love and affection.

You ARE what you listen to.


change what you hear.